Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Why we must act

The New York Times describes why Mbeki must share the blame for the crisis in Zimbabwe. Sharing the editorial page today is a great opinion piece that advocates the boycott of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. This movement will only gain more momentum. Clearly, it is in the best interest of South African citizens, FIFA, and the World Cup sponsors to put more pressure on Mbeki to end the brutality in Zimbabwe. Mbeki, there is a crisis in Zimbabwe, and if you don't act, there will be a crisis in South Africa!


Anonymous said...

I'm suprised that the Times actually published an editorial like this. Definitely a good sign.

Anonymous said...

Mbeki will never act. Mugabe owns his soul.

kimgruk said...

There is a chance that "things" might change......push on with the boycott of the 2010 Boycott

kimgruk said...

....push on with the boycott of the 2010 GAMES.