Monday, July 14, 2008

Just as we expected...

South Africa helps to defeat the sanctions drive at the United Nations. Immediately thereafter, the Mugabe regime negotiates in bad faith in South Africa, which leads to an impasse. There really is no surprise there.

The defeat of the sanctions fragmented international opinion on the crisis on Zimbabwe. Prior to this moment, the world was united in condemning the violence. It is sad that South Africa played such a major role in defeating these sanctions. South Africa did not merely vote against the sanctions; rather, South Africa worked the corridors of the UN, lobbying other countries to reject the sanctions.

Their approach has failed to bring about any positive results. This failure has been duly noted, and has only galvanized opinion against South Africa's hosting of the World Cup. Indeed, the Zimbabwe Vigil in London has now adopted a boycott of the World Cup as one of its major themes, and has begun circulating a petition to move the World Cup. Visit them online at

A sister group will be demonstrating in front of the White House on the 26th of July, and will be circulating a petition asking for FIFA to move the 2010 World Cup. If you are in the area, please show up and support this cause.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To Ismail: your remarks go too far! I suggest that you debate substance with substance and avoid such personal attacks.

By the way - I hope that Ismail Moosa isn't your real name. It is bad practice to write remarks like this on the internet. Future employers might google your name and not like your attitude.